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1084 the association between noise perceptions with hearing loss occurrence on carpenters of informal sector in duren sawit district, east jakarta
  1. SA Pitut,
  2. Abdul Baktiansyah
  1. The Faculty of Medicine and Health University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Background Industry’s noise has long been an issue that cannot be resolved properly so it can be a serious threat to the workers’s hearing function. In Indonesia, the incidence of noise-induced hearing loss is estimated between 20%–30% of the total working population in the formal sector who are productive, while the incidence of hearing loss due to noise in the informal sector is not yet known.

Objective This study aims to determine the relation of noise and other risk factors for hearing loss on carpenters of informal sector in Duren Sawit district, East Jakarta in 2013.

Method This study was an observational analytic with a cross sectional method. This research was carried out on 71 woodworkers in Duren Sawit districts, East Jakarta. Data were obtained from observations, additional physical examination, and an interview based on a questionnaire that has been made. Analysed using univariate and bivariate analysis.

Results A total of 51 workers (71.8%) had subjective hearing loss. All workers have the perception that their workplace is quite noisy. In bivariate analysis, the use of Hearing Protection Devices has a significant effect on the occurrence of hearing loss, with a value of p=0.032, OR=8.824.

Conclusion Noise has a considerable impact on the occurrence of hearing loss. In addition, workers who did not use Hearing Protection Devices have 8 times greater risk for hearing loss compared with workers who use Hearing Protection Devices.

  • Keywords Noise
  • Hearing Loss
  • Hearing Protection Devices

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