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977 A comparative study of health status of shift workers and non-shift workers in an automobile industry
  1. Shriniket Mishra
  1. Hero MotCorp Limited, New Delhi, India


Introduction In today’s industrialised world, focus of mass producing organisations is to achieve maximum output and optimum utilisation of human resource by deploying workers in shift duties. This helps industries in achieving production targets but it adversely affects health of workers which is a well-established fact. Shift duties cause changes in circadian rhythm of human body which leads to adverse effects on physical and psychological health. This study was conducted at a large automobile organisation for comparing health status of shift workers with non-shift workers, establish cause and make improvement in health of shift workers.

Methods A cross sectional study was done through a questionnaire based survey and medical examination of workers. Two groups of 200 workers each was selected, one group was involved in shift work for 8 years and other group was working in day shift only for same number of years. A detailed questionnaire containing personal, occupational and medical history was presented to both groups. All data related to findings of medical examinations and survey was analysed to reach a conclusion.

Results There were significant differences in health status of both group of workers.76% shift workers were suffering from G.I disorders- Indigestion, constipation, hyperacidity etc. compared to 18% of non-shift workers, 22% shift worker had Diabetes compared to 9% in non-shift workers, 36% shift workers had hypertension compared to 14% in non-shift, 44% shift workers had sleep disorder compared to 19% and 42% shift workers were obese compared to 26% of non-shift workers.

Discussion Results of study show that there are less health issues in non-shift workers compared to shift workers. This provides us evidence that if shift work can’t be avoided then organisations should have scientific plans to minimise health hazards of shift work and more focus should be given to health of shift workers.

  • Shift work
  • Comparative study
  • Health status

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