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1585 Association of shift-work, daytime napping, and nighttime sleep with cancer incidence and cancer-caused mortality in dongfeng-tongji cohort study
  1. Yansen Bai1,
  2. Xiaoliang Li1,
  3. Ke Wang1,
  4. Shi Chen1,
  5. Suhan Wang1,
  6. Zhuowang Chen1,
  7. Xiulong Wu1,
  8. Wenshan Fu1,
  9. Sheng Wei1,
  10. Jing Yuan1,
  11. Ping Yao1,
  12. Xiaoping Miao1,
  13. Xiaomin Zhang1,
  14. Meian He1,
  15. Handong Yang2,
  16. Tangchun Wu1,
  17. Huan Guo1
  1. 1Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Tongji Medical College, Wuhan, China
  2. 2Dongfeng Motor Corporation and Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, China


Introduction More than 30% of cancer deaths could be prevented by modifying or avoiding risk factors, such as unhealthy living habits, including night-shift work, daytime napping, and nighttime sleep. We aimed to investigate the independent and combined effects of these three sleep habits on cancer incidence and cancer-caused mortality among middle-aged and older Chinese in the Dongfeng-Tongji Cohort Study (27 009 retired workers were recruited from Dong-Feng Motor Corporation (DMC) in 2008, and 25 978 participants were successfully followed-up during the first follow-up period from June, 2013 to October, 2013). During 1 14 162 person-years of follow up, we identified a total of 1251 cancer cases and 379 cancer-caused deaths.

Methods Information on sleep habits, cancer incidences and mortalities were collected at baseline 2008. Self-reported cancer incidences and cancer-caused deaths were confirmed from DMC’s health-care service system, which consists of five DMC-owned hospitals that covers all retired employees. Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate the adjusted hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (HRs, 95% CIs).

Results Males experienced ≥20 years of night-shift work, or no daytime napping had increased cancer incidence, when compared to males who did not have night-shift work or had daytime napping for 1~30 min [HR(95% CI)=1.27(1.01–1.59), 2.03 (1.007–4.13), respectively]. Males who slept ≥10 hours/night had a 40% increase in cancer incidence and 59% increase in cancer-caused mortality than males who slept 7~8 hours/night [HR (95% CI)=1.40(1.04–1.88) and 1.59 (1.01–2.49), respectively]. There was an interaction effect between night-shift work of ≥20 years and sleep of ≥10 hours/night on cancer incidence (Pinteraction=0.027).

Conclusion For male subjects, both long night-shift work (≥20 years) and nighttime sleep duration (≥10 hours) were independently and jointly associated with higher cancer incidence.

  • Sleep habits
  • Cancer incidence
  • Cancer-caused mortality

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