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The analyses of international and domestic publications shows that shift work is different professional groups occupational stress risk factor. From 2010 according IARC conclusion shift work is probable occupational cancer risk factor (‘2A’) primarily, breast cancer in women (nurses). The probability of association between shift work and increased of any other cancer and another occupations as well as connexion with frequency and duration of night shift work is discussed today.
There are bidirectional relationship between sleep disorders and work connected with psychosocial risks (style of work, high level of requirements and low level of control, working hours and shift mode, as well as imbalance between labour costs and remuneration Including). Desynchronosis in the shift mode, especially with rotation shifts, has negative stressful effect on physical and mental health, leading to increased risk of insomnia, restless leg syndrome, shift work sleep disorder, narcolepsy, cataplexy, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, cardio-vascular disorders, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and disorders of nervous system state and mental health.
The current hygienic classification in Russia makes it possible to assess the contribution of labour intensity as stress factor, including taking into account shifts. Analysis of shift work impact into risk of health disorders of law enforcement officers, doctors, nurses, railway workers data shows the dependence of its development probability on the of work experience with the rotation shifts, age and sex, primarily in the part of causal relationships between the work schedule and hypertension in conjunction with metabolic disorders development.
The development of practical recommendations for shift work, the definition of duration and intensity of night shift rotation and shift schedules significance, taking into account the individual characteristics of workers (for example, the chronotype), requires further studies, as well as the issue of potential carcinogenic risk of shift work