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1663 Use, misuse, abuse of pesticide use in agriculture. which interventions are needed to promote safety and health of workers?
  1. Claudio Colosio1,
  2. Gert van der Laan2,
  3. Stefan Mandic-Rajicevic1
  1. 1Department of Health Sciences of the University of Milan and International Centre for Rural Health of the ASTT Saints Paolo and Carlo Hospital, Milan, Italy
  2. 2Foundation Learning and Developing Occupational Health, PE Leusden, Netherlands


Aim of special session Pesticides are necessary in the modern agriculture and their use is unavoidable. However, very often misuse and abuse bring about unacceptable risk to agricultural workers and the environment. How to promote a safe us of these compounds? Worldwide known field experts will discuss this topic. Since it wil be a round table with an open discussion among speakers and of speakers with public, no title of presentation has been asked to the persons invited to contribute

Claudio Colosio1, Gert van der Laan2, Stefan Mandic-Rajicevic1, Erik Jors3, Andrea Rother4, Susan Brumby5, Shengli Niu6

1Department of Health Sciences of the University of Milan and International Centre for Rural Health of the S. Paolo Hospital, Italy

2Foundation Learning and Developing Occupational Health, PE Leusden, Netherlands

3Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark

4Division of Environmental Health, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

5National Centre for Farmer Health, Western District Health Service, Hamilton VIC Australia

6International Labour Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland

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