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30 Early functional ageing as determinant for job interruption: a 4-year follow up
  1. FM Fischer1,
  2. MC Martinez2
  1. 1Department of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  2. 2WAF Informática, São Paulo, Brazil


Introduction Functional ageing is a progressive work ability impairment. It is associated with negative outcomes including early retirement, unemployment and leaving the profession. The aim of this study is to investigate whether early functional ageing plays a determinant role in job interruption in the short-to-medium run among hospital employees.

Methods A 4 year cohort (2008–2012) of 1060 hospital workers in São Paulo, Brazil. At baseline participants filled a questionnaire about demographic, occupational and lifestyle items, and the Brazilian version of Job Stress Scale (JSS) and Work Ability Index (WAI). The outcome variable ‘job interruption at the end of follow up’ was no (active employees)and yes (transient sick leave and job termination). This information was obtained from human resources department. Associations between functional ageing and other independent variables with job interruption were identified by multiple logistic regression.

Results Participants’ average age at baseline were 32.5 y (SD=8.5), 29.4% were over 40, and 69.8% were females. Relative to psychosocial work factors, 67.8% corresponded to active work, 11.6% to high strain, and 94.9% reported high social support at work. The average WAI score was 42.4 (SD=4.7); 20.8% of participants exhibited early functional ageing (moderate/poor work ability). At the end of follow up 524 (49.4%) participants had job interruption.

Features involved with job interruption were: early functional ageing (OR 1.42; p=0.031); high strain (OR=1.59; p=0.030), age ≥40 years (OR=0.54; p<0.001); job title Assistants/Attendants (OR=1.71; p=0.011) and Technicians/Nursing. Assistants/Cleaners (OR=1.64; p=0.006); employees of all other departments compared to the Clinical Department (OR=1.41; p=0.020). The model was adjusted by sex.

Discussion Early functional ageing was a risk factor for job interruption in short-to-medium-run in the investigated population. Contrary to expected age was a protective factor. Inadequate work conditions and the psychosocial work environment contributed to the negative outcome.

  • ageing workers
  • work ability evaluation
  • psychosocial work environment

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