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1701d Universal health coverage and workers’ health developments in indonesia
  1. Hanifa M Denny
  1. Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia


Introduction The social and health Insurance or universal health coverage for the Indonesian is BPJS. BPJS stands for Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial or The Social Security Organisation Body. The Indonesian army, police, civil employees, assistance recipients (PBI), and citizens in general are mandated to register with BPJS Kesehatan while the private company employees and expatriates who work in Indonesia for at least 6 months and their dependent family members are registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Methods This study utilised the qualitative method. The data collection was derived from the Consultative Meeting with the stakeholders and secondary data reviews pertaining to occupational health. The inter-sectoral governments employees were the main participants of the meeting.

Results BPJS was formed by law No. 24 in 2011. The Indonesian government has set an ambitious target to cover all Indonesian citizens and residents by 2019 that could lead to more than 245 million people being registered. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan administers Provident Funding Benefits, Work-Related Accident Benefits, Death Benefits, and Pension Benefits. BPJS gradually increases the preventive and promotive health programs. On the other hand, the Indonesian government is investing to increase the budget allocation for program development, advisory and inspection for the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health to improve its workers’ health. The universal coverage also contributes to the betterment of healthy workers in the large-scale enterprises, small and medium companies and informal sector workers.

Conclusion Access to universal health coverage, increase in healthcare quality of services and investment in health prevention and promotion would likely improve the state of health among Indonesia’s workers.

  • Health Insurance
  • Workers’ Health
  • BPJS
  • Occupational Health and Safety

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