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1118 Occupational and demographic risks of accelerated ageing in russian workforce
  1. Bashkireva Angelika1,2
  1. 1Gerontological Centre of Leningrad Region, St. Petersburg, Russia
  2. 2Research and Innovation Centre «Professional Longevity», St. Petersburg, Russia


Actual problems of workforce ageing in Russia are characterised by an increase in the mean worker’s age and in the number of elderly workers, by the existence of job categories, where accelerated ageing is observed, as well as early retirement from work before reaching the retirement age. At the same time the demographic situation in Russia is characterised by the death-rate increase for all reason’s classes, sharp premature mortality rise, extra-death-rate increase of workforce from affected reasons, the decrease in mean duration of human’s forthcoming life. All these permanent factors in combination with the quantity increase of those in old and senile age may result in depopulation and workforce deficiency. These demographic processes lead to essentially significant increase of the demographic load coefficient on the society, which complicate the economic situation and produce considerable structural changes in employment, public assistance and nursing care maintenance of disabled people. If total number of population in Russia for last 12 years is shortened on 5 million people more then, the occupied number – on 12 million more then, i.e. loss of persons in working age overtake losses of population as a whole. The workforce death-rate in Russia exceeds a similar index in EU in 4,5 times. Analysis of gender differences in Russia has revealed an excess of men’s death-rate in working age in 5–7 once in contrast with such beside women. An unprecedented result is formed now in Russia – a break-up in average life expectancies between men and women more then in 11 years. Consequently, average statistical Russian man does not live till a pension age, i.e. dies, being in working age. The data thus obtained show that health safety and work ability promotion in workforce is a state problem and consists of a lot priority aspects, one of which is accelerated ageing prevention.

  • Russian workforce
  • accelerated ageing risks
  • work ability promotion

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