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In an ever-changing world of work, the promotion of the health and safety of the present and future workforce is crucial for guaranteeing a healthier, longer and more productive working life. In order to ensure the quality of work and employment in Europe, a well-coordinated approach to occupational safety and health research rising above regional and national boundaries is needed.
Therefore, the PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health. The network comprises 13 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) institutes, all playing key roles in their national affiliations to governments/authorities and health and accident insurance systems.
Joint collaboration within PEROSH on fields of common interest is one of the key aspects of the network. It enables to create synergies and to efficiently use resources and knowledge from different countries to improve the effect of OSH research. Currently, the PEROSH members are involved in 8 joint research projects.
PEROSH partners are strongly committed to maintain a proactive dialogue with the EU and other international and national OSH-partners to explore paths to optimize the added value to Europe of the research, dissemination and funding efforts in this field.
By doing so, PEROSH aims to improve the quality of research and increase the EU-wide dissemination of results. The uniqueness and strength of PEROSH lies in the comprehensive interdisciplinary collaboration between leading OSH research institutes in Europe.
PEROSH's advocates more attention to OSH in EU research programs and collaborates together in its own funded joint research programs of its members.