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830 Clinical diagnostics of working women exposed to organophosphates in the workplace
  1. N Loio-Marques1,
  2. M Felgueiras2,
  3. C Turbau3,
  4. R Valls-Llobet4
  1. 1Occupational Medicine Resident, Centro Hospitalar Porto, Porto, Portugal
  2. 2Clinical Pathology Resident, Centro Hospitalar Cova Beira, Portugal
  3. 3Biologist, Centre d’Atenció Programes Sanitaris (CAPS), Barcelona, España
  4. 4Endocrinologist, CAPS, Barcelona, España


Introduction Over the last decades a relationship has been established between the use of organophosphates (OP) and the development of systemic symptomatology, possibly resulting in the diagnostic of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCSS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Mitochondrial Dysfunction Syndrome (MDS), Chronic OP Induced Neuropsychological Syndrome (COPINS), among others. MD, evidenced by the change in Lactate/Pyruvate ratio, seems to be the set-point of evolution of these syndromes. For MQSS in particular, the diagnosis is done using the internationally acknowledged questionnaire ‘Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory’ (QEESI). The main objective of this study was to identify the different diagnosis presented by women chronically exposed to OPs in their workplace.

Methods Continuous observational study (1994–2014) about diagnosis and employment condition of women exposed to OPs.

Results All women showed signs of MCSS, CFS and COPINS. Among the signs and symptoms associated with these syndromes, digestive changes 46% and food intolerances 12% were the most observed. Also, 62% of the women showed a sign described as typical from intoxication by OPs: black tongue. The results also show that all women had mitochondrial dysfunction.

Conclusion Exposure to OPs seems to contribute towards MCSS, CFS, MDS and other systemic symptoms of a chronic and disabling character, with the possibility of having associated mitochondrial dysfunction as the set-point.

  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction Syndrome
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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