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1469 Occupational accidents reported within the forensic medicine department
  1. D Lahlou,
  2. I El Amri,
  3. B Benali,
  4. A Chbani,
  5. A Elkholti
  1. Casablanca Faculty of medicine and pharmacy, Hassan II university, Morocco


Introduction Professions in health care settings are characterised as having a high professional risk, in addition tohealth care workers, all occupations are carried out with specific constraints, exposing personnel to several risks, due to accidents involving exposure to biological products, physical nuisance, chemical toxicity and stress.

Materials and methods Our work consists of a retrospective study of 119 cases of occupational accidents declared by staff (3684 employees) of the Ibn Rochd University Hospital in Casablanca, over a period of 3 years (between January 2010 and December 2012).

Results Ninety women and twenty ninemen were enumerated, with a sex ratio of 0.32.The average age was 45.58 years, with extremes of 23 to 60 years.

Nurses and nursing assistants represent 42,01% of the cases, followed by service agents (31%), then doctors (15,12%). Administrative personnel remainsas the least the exposed category (6,72%).

The most frequent accidents are related to falls (52,08%),followed by blood exposure (18,48%), while musculoskeletal disorders come far after with a percentage of 3.36%. The temporary work disability, stands between 3 days and 3 months, with a prolongation that can go up to 12 months. Thenumber of patient who had a permanentpartial disability was 28, with rates varying from 2% to 18%. None of them needed a job change orreclassification.

Conclusion Hospital staff is exposed to a number of risks, this requires taking somenecessarymeasures to ensure the safety and protect the health of healthcare workers, taking as a base general principles of prevention.

  • Occupational accidents
  • hospital staff
  • Morocco

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