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216 Making workplace healthy & safe through innovative & sustainable cashe program (change agents for safety health & environment)
  1. Bhavesh Khodadiya1,
  2. R Rajesh2
  1. 1Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar, India (Superintendent Medical Officer)
  2. 2Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai, India (Group Medical Advisor)


Introduction Reliance Industries Jamnagar Manufacturing Division is world’s largest refining hub. CASHe is an innovative program with a proactive preventive approach comprising team work of Medical, Safety, Environment and Technical department helps to bring positive change and continual improvement in occupational health practices. This helps to steer plant management in a focused way to look into the work place hazards and take appropriate control measures.

Methods CASHe program has defined annual road map which comprises formation of CASHe Team, field visit, IH-OH survey, submission of project charter, monthly CASHe team meetings with progress reports, midyear project review, final survey with report submission and plant inter-site competition for evaluation. Multidisciplinary CASHe team continuously work on this road map to achieve project goals.

Result In 2016 −17, Total 302 projects out of 408 were completed (74%). To inculcate best projects like Chemical Exposure reduction from 2.64 PPM to 0 PPM (close loop sampling system at benzene storage tank), dust exposure reduction from 13.21 mg/m3 to 0.26 mg/m3 (substitute with direct bulker unloading instead of manual bag unloading system), catalyst replacement activity to reduce nickel exposure from 33 mg/m3 to <1 mg/m3 (local exhaust ventilation system at loading point), Noise exposure reduction from 96.2 dBA to 85 dBA by providing acoustic insulation, Heat stress reduction for workers working inside sea water pipe line by providing forced cool air ventilation system. Ergonomic improvement project of implementing vertical lifting machine at material storage location.

Discussion CASHe program at Reliance proves that team approach, creating awareness, positive attitude and implementation of innovative interventions are win-win prospect and makes good business sense. CASHe program is an endless journey of awareness and workplace improvements.

  • Industrial health – Occupational Health (IH-OH)
  • workplace improvement
  • team approach

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