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398 Exchange and cooperation: occupational health surveillance in the belt and road of china
  1. Q Hou,
  2. ZB Wang
  1. Shanghai Institute of Occupational Disease for Chemical Industry, Shanghai, China


Background Occupational health and safety is highly related with economic activities in the country. As the economic globalisation grow and expand in China, such as the belt and road, this may result in high occupational health and safety services demand face new problems.

Objective To introduce the current situation of Occupational Health surveillance in China,compare Occupational health surveillance policy in different countries. To explore the problems and challenges that occupational health surveillance may face under the economic globalisation.

Findings Occupational health surveillance is an important part of occupational health and safety, which purpose is, from medical health examination and health related data collection, continuously monitoring the health status of workers, analysis of the relationship between occupation hazards and workers’ health changes and contacts, in order to take intervention measures to protect workers health.Since 2002, China has legislateed, promulgated and revised ‘People’s Republic of China occupation disease prevention law’, ‘occupation health surveillance management regulation’ ‘occupation health surveillance technical standard’, which has promoted occupation health surveillance work more legally and regularly. However, there are still some problems in occupational health surveillance, many large state-owned enterprises in China have established the occupational health and safety management system, but small and medium-sized enterprises generally lack occupational health care management. Occupational health monitoring is still at a low level. Through literature search, we collected the relevant laws and regulations of the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Finland, Japan, Southeast Asian countries and international organisations. There are great differences in occupational health surveillance management in different countries, Such as occupation health surveillance basic theory, management personnel and institution, occupation medical examination type and cycle, employer or enteprise responsibility.

Conclusions As the largest developing country, China has basically established a complete system of occupation health, occupation health surveillance work has achieved remarkable results. Economic globalisation provides a good opportunity for the management and research of occupational health care in China, we need more exchange and cooperation of occupation health and safety.

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