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1642 Tackling occupational diseases in developing countries: building capacities for early diagnosis and prevention
  1. Diana Gagliardi1,
  2. Shyam Pingle2,
  3. Dileep Andhare2
  1. 1Italian Workers Compensation Authority (INAIL), Rome, Italy
  2. 2Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, India


Aim of special session To increase capacities to find and use practical solutions for early diagnosis and prevention of occupational diseases in day-to-day activity.

Dr. Kazutaka Kogi1, Dr. Gert van der Laan2, Ms. Suvi Lehtinen3, Dr. Shyam Pingle4, Prof. Katja Radon5

1Ohara Memorial Institute for Science of Labour, Japan

2Foundation for Learning and Developing Occupational Health (LDOH), The Netherlands; Free University Medical Centre (VUmc), The Netherlands, International Centre for Rural Health, University of Milan, Italy

3MSc, Tampere, Finland

4Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar, India

5Center for International Health LMU @ Institute and Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Germany

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