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1667c Occupational safety and health in china
  1. Junming Dai,
  2. Zhijun Zhou
  1. School of public health, Fudan University, Shanghai, China


The supervision and management of occupational safety and health of enterprises have been in charge of by State Administration of Work Safety since 2010. The responsibility of health department for OSH includes worker health check and health education. The situation of OSH in China is different at various enterprises in different areas. Some enterprises with better economic situation passed OSMAS 18001 authentication with better OSH service, especially for healthy organisation in the eastern of China and in the State owned Large and medium-sized enterprises. They often have a good OSH management system and services such as health check, safety management, health education for OSH and health service for all employees, even clinic service at workplace, not only for employees with occupational hazard exposed. The employees of this organisation often had felt high wellbeing with better salary and social benefit. At the same time, some enterprises still lack of OSH service, especially in SME in the western of China and employees with occupational hazard exposed were lack of protection, such as coal miners. The OSH for modern service industry has been care in some Metropolis such as: Beijing, Shanghai; and job stress and mental health have come into service. With Healthy China 2030 take into effect, the OSH service will be improved and more and more enterprises will become healthy organisation.

  • occupational safety and health
  • occupational health services
  • China

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