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1711e 1992–2017, a quarter century of international partnership for promoting occupational health in morocco
  1. A El Kholti
  1. Occupational Health Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Hassan II of Casablanca


Over the last 25 years, the Occupational Health Unit (USAT) of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca, the only university structure dedicated to occupational health in Morocco, has been committed to promoting occupational health through quality of training and research in Morocco.

An important condition for the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of this action is the international partnership and cooperation between the USAT and the academic institutions (French, Belgian, Canadian, Maghreb and French-speaking African countries), prevention institutes (French, Swiss and Canadian) and international organisations (WHO, ILO and EU-OSHA).

Thus, during these years, partnership and cooperation have taken several forms: informal, formal, bilateral, multilateral, North-South or South-South.

USAT’s experience can be used to inspire the promotion of a culture of occupational risk prevention in developing countries, particularly in Francophone Africa.

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