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1711a Cooperation in the field of occupational health and safety in north africa
  1. B Benali
  1. Occupational Health Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Hassan II of Casablanca


North Africa mainly includes Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and on top of that Mauritania. 210 million people live there. The average GDP per capita is 3 513 $, while the world’s average sits around 14 956 $, and the economical growth doesn’t exceed 3%.

Occupational health is directly linked to the social environment and to the company’s performance, it can also impact prevention policies, management of critical circumstances and daily practices. Most of the time, human resources contributors don’t include new occupational health managerial, strategic nor legal stakes in the process of managing companies in African countries.

The lack of human resources in the field of occupational health in these countries, enforces us to coordinate efforts to establish practical programs allowing us to address basic occupational health issues. A unique repository for occupational physicians, nurses, engineers and managers should be implemented, either during initial or continuing training. We should build an occupational health training network by creating links between different actors in all these countries. All those occupational health actors should be certified by an independent organisation.

The exchange and adjustment of experiences as well as the sharing of means, will enable us, both in short and medium term, to use occupational health as a performance lever for our companies.

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