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1202 The development of occupational health and safety in the university laboratories in turkey
  1. A Bolukbas1,
  2. OA Ergor2
  1. 1Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Izmir, Turkey
  2. 2Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Izmir, Turkey


Introduction The significant obligations have become valid by the change in the legislation with the Occupational Health and Safety Law in Turkey. Thereafter, besides private sector, public institutions have to establish and apply occupational health and safety systems. Therefore, occupational health and safety systems have been started to establish in the universities including the university laboratories which include several potential hazards such as chemical substances, biological materials and electrical systems. The aim of the study is to observe the development of occupational health and safety in the universities.

Methods The study has been conducted in a laboratory in Environmental Engineering Department of Dokuz Eylul University. The risk assessment method based on 5 × 5 matrices and Failure Mode and Effect (FMEA) have been used. The 5 × 5 matrix risk assessment was modified with respect to daily dosage for workers and taken measurements like engineering, administrative and personal. FMEA has been selected due to the detectability factor in order to observe the awareness of the workers.

Results The 5 × 5 matrix risk assessment evaluates existing situation by considering the working hours of the workers with hazard and the positive effects of precautions. FMEA evaluates the risks as there is no precautions and the workers are exposed to the hazard during all shift. As a result of the risk assessments, to prevent the chemical, biological, physical, ergonomic, psychosocial and working environment risks precautions were taken with respect to the regulation; however, they aren’t adequate. The system was established but is not completely and properly worked.

Conclusion To conclude, education and drill have to be conducted and emergency plans must be prepared. Working processes with chemicals and biological samples have to be defined and the workers have to be trained. Laboratories and storages have to be organised according to state of the art technologies. Preventive health services have to be provided for workers. The occupational health and safety system in the laboratories has to be improved for efficient protection.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management
  • Occupational Health Regulations

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