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1714c Association between h3k4me3/bdnf and the cognitive function of workers occupationally exposed to aluminium
  1. Hengying Qiu
  1. School of Public Health, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, Shanxi, China


Introduction Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is involved in synaptic plasticity and may be modified by H3K4me3, thus affecting learning and memory. This study aims to investigate the influence of occupational aluminium exposure on cognitive function and its relationship with H3K4me3 and BDNF levels.

Methods By cluster random sampling method, 235 male workers from Shanxi Aluminium Company who occupationally exposed to aluminium were recruited in the study. A group of cognitive tests were performed, in which includes Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), CDT, DST, FOM and VFT. Concentration of Aluminium in plasma was tested by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The subjects were divided into three groups by the 25, 50 and 75 percentile of the blood aluminium concentration, as low, middle and high aluminium concentration group. The contents of H3K4me3 in lymphocyte and BDNF in plasma were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Results The levels of aluminium in plasma were 100.19, 134.36 and 178.96μg/L respectively. The scores of MMSE, DSFT, DST of high blood aluminium concentration group were lower than those of low and middle blood aluminium groups (27.981.53 vs 28.681.54, 27.981.53 vs 28.231.53, 9.192.00 vs 10.612.90, 9.192.00 vs 9.952.32, 15.273.11 vs 17.594.63, 15.273.11 vs 16.173.86, p<0.05), The scores of CDT, DSBF, FOM, VFT among three groups had no statistical significance (p>0.05).The expression levels of H3K4me3 and BDNF of high blood aluminium group were lower than those of the low (20.953.91 vs 28.188.79 ng/µg protein, 26.0710.18 vs 31.159.85 µg/L, p<0.05) and middle blood aluminium groups (20.953.91 vs 25.786.30 ng/µg protein, 26.0710.18 vs 26.9110.27 µg/L, p<0.05). Multiple correlation analysis showed that Blood aluminium concentration was negatively correlated to H3K4me3, BDNF, MMSE, DSFT, DST, respectively (r=−0.307, –0.175, -0.229, –0.206, −0.173, p<0.05).

Discussion Long-term occupational exposure to aluminium may impair cognitive function, along with the decreasing of H3K4me3 level in lymphocyte and BDNF protein expression in plasma.

(This work is supported by NSFC 81430078, 81372968)

  • Aluminium
  • cognitive function
  • H3K4me3

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