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926 Politics in occupational health: example of an evidence-based driven proposal for improving upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorder compensation in france
  1. Alexis Descatha1,2
  1. 1AP-HP, EMS (Samu92), Occupational Health Unit, University hospital of West suburb of Paris, Poincare site, F92380 Garches, France
  2. 2Univ Versailles St-Quentin, F-78035, Versailles, France; Inserm, UMS 011 UMR1168, F-94807, Villejuif, France


Introduction In a context of heterogeneous practices, the French government set up a committee and this committe have mandated a technical working group for improving compensation for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders.

Methods After a state of the art based on international recommendations and French data to take into account the particular nature of compensation in France, a technical working group followed a Delphi-like process for suggesting a method of evaluation. A different group evaluated the work at the end with a validation process.

Result A systematic review has been performed, supplemented with opinions of International experts solicited individually. Analyses of available data were carried out on actual compensation and on a French cohort, as well as an inventory of the various French compensation methods. From this state of the art, the technical working group proposed a first version which was discussed in a workshop, allowing after two rounds a draft that a majority agreed upon (>70% of total agreement). An independent group read and evaluated the work, with over 90% total agreement, and allowed minor comments before the final report.

Discussion In one year, this project allowed the development of an evidence-based approach aimed at improving compensation for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders. An appropriation phase is necessary involving by end-users (i.e. insurance practitioners, with development of practical tools, clinical vignettes), and an economical evaluation.

  • Evidence-Based practice
  • Compensation
  • Musculoskeletal

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