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316 Reduction of musculoskeletal pain among professional musicians by introducing resistance band training at work
  1. LPA Brandt1,2,
  2. MB Panduro1,
  3. SR Nielsen2
  1. 1Odense University Hospital, Odense Denmark
  2. 2University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark


Introduction Several studies have shown that professional symphony orchestra musicians have a higher prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints (MSC), compared to other work groups. MSC have a great impact on the musicians’ workability and life quality, emphasising the importance of finding preventive measures

Methods A cross-sectional study, based on questionnaires before and after an intervention of resistance band training, among 350 musicians and administrative workers from 5 symphony orchestras in Denmark. The participant rated their degree of pain on a VAS scale from 0 to 10 and overall reduction of MSC. The changes from baseline to follow-up for each separate body region were evaluated using a linear mixed model.

Result MSC was most common in shoulders, neck, and lower back. Female musicians had a significantly higher prevalence of MSC than men. Low string group had the lowest prevalence of MSC, while high string, brass-winds and woodwind groups had a relative high prevalence of MSC. Resistance band training showed a positive significant effect with a mean reduction of VAS-scores in shoulders at −0.88 and neck at −0.52. 45% of the participants experienced an overall reduction in musculoskeletal pain.

Discussion In compliance with the purpose, MSC before and after the intervention were assessed, showing a positive effect with regards to MSC in shoulders and neck. Future research should explore how realistic implementing resistance band training is as a steady regime among professional symphony orchestra musicians, likewise assuring a long lasting positive effect.

  • Musculoskeletal physical training

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