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1632c Criteria for work-related upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders in france
  1. A Descatha1,
  2. A Petit2,
  3. Y Roquelaure2
  1. 1AP-HP Univ Versailles St-Quentin INSERM, Garches, France
  2. 2INSERM, University of Angers, Angers, France


The definition of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in France depends on the context: the legal and social insurance for work compensation of such disorders has criteria for shoulder tendonitis, epicondylitis, bursitis, ulnar nerve syndrome at the elbow and at the wrist, wrist tendinopathies of the fingers (including DeQuervain’s Disease), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These will be presented. However, the criteria are restrictive and may not be appropriate in an occupational setting for screening. The European guide is commonly used (Sluiter, 2001).1 For CTS and shoulder tendonitis, there are also general medical guidelines for diagnosis with specific investigations (nerve conduction studies and imaging respectively) and for treatment. In conclusion, several different criteria sets are available each with their strengths and limitations.


  1. . Sluiter BJ, Rest KM, Frings-Dresen MH. Criteria document for evaluating the work-relatedness of upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders. Scand J Work Environ Health2001;27(Suppl 1):1–102.

  • musculoskeletal disorder
  • definition

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