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1619d Occupational health in siberia and arctic zones
  1. SA Antipov
  1. Centre of Corporate Medicine, Tomsk, Russia


Siberia and its northern territories in particular represent an extremely problematic region from the point of medical assistance organisation. This is caused by the harsh climate and significant remoteness of settlements and industrial facilities from cities with developed medical infrastructure. In this regard, the activities aimed at developing standards for medical care provision at remote sites and training specialists to work there represent significant relevance. Centre of Corporate Medicine possesses more than 10 years of experience in this field at remote oil and gas industrial facilities. The standards for medical assistance organisation have been developed with systemic approach to workers’ nutrition and rest taking into account climatic and geographical features of the region as well as the labour regime at remote sites. The provision of medical assistance in regular and emergency situations is regulated by the algorithms of medical personnel actions. Telemedicine technologies and consultancy via the 24/7 call-centre are utilised to control the adequacy of diagnostic and treatment procedures. A scientific research program is being currently developed devoted to the estimation of natural and technogenic factors influencing industrial workers’ health in order to elaborate targeted programs for occupational diseases prevention and prolongation of productive longevity.

  • medical care
  • remote areas
  • standards

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