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Aim of special session To discuss the toxicity of mercury versus borax, health affection of miners and legal aspects of mercury use in gold-mining.
Presenters: 1Jesper Bælum, 2Stephan Bose-O’Reilly, 3Florencia Harari, 4Jane F Thomsen, 5Jinky L Lu, 6Sophia F Lu
1Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark.
2Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational Health, University Hospital Munich, LMU Munich, Germany
3Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
4Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
5National Institutes of Health, University of the Philippines Manila (UPM), Manila Philippines
6College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines