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1646 Whwb 2 – ‘workplace health without borders – methods and strategies: prevention of work-related non-communicable diseases in economically developing countries’
  1. David M Zalk1,
  2. Claudina MCA Nogueira2,
  3. Jackie Morton3
  1. 1International Occupational Hygiene Association, Envoy
  2. 2University of Pretoria, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pretoria, South Africa
  3. 3Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB), UK


Aim of special session Focusing on the methods, strategies, and opportunities for increasing Occupational Safety, Health, and Hygiene professional access and reducing work-related risks

Presenters: Andrea Hiddinga-Schipper1, Thomas P Fuller2, Jackie Morton3, Ivan Ivanov4, David M Zalk5

1International Occupational Hygiene Association, President 2017/2018

2Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, USA

3Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Buxton, UK

4World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva, CH

5Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, California, USA

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