Article Text
Aim of special session Successful examples of collaborations and WHWB projects for building occupational health and safety capacity will be illustrated, noting how better interactions with other national and international organisations could increase impact. Discussion will focus on how to increase these collaborations and how WHWB can expand its footprint globally, to improve its current offerings in terms of delivering training, mentoring, development and translation of guidance materials, and technical assistance to build knowledge and capacity in occupational health and hygiene, particularly for under-served workforces in both developed and developing countries.
Presenters: 1Ms Claudina MCA Nogueira, 2Dr Kevin Hedges, 3Dr David F Goldsmith, 4Dr Steve M Thygerson
1University of Pretoria, Faculty of Health Sciences, Pretoria, South Africa
2Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) Inc., Toronto, Canada
3George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
4Department of Health Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA