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1645 Work and spirituality, new approaches and ideas – the special session aims to clarify and promote the spiritual dimension of health at work
  1. Christophe Paris1,
  2. Frank van Dijk2
  1. 1Professor, University of Rennes, France
  2. 2Professor emeritus, Coronel Institute of Occupational health, AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


M. Guillemin1, M. Zungu2, A. de Boer3, A. Mittal4, Y. Roquelaure5, J. Rodriguez-Guzman6, R. Nicholas7

1Professor emeritus, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

2Dr. National Institute for Occupational Health, Pretoria, South Africa

3Dr. Coronel Institute of Occupational health, AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

4Dr. OH and S Consultancy Services, New Delhi, India

5Professor, University of Angers, France

6Dr. Regional Advisor, Pan-American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation, Washington, DC

7Mr. Robin Nicholas Communication, Santa Fe, USA

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