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1717 Occupational hygiene: standards and practices
  1. Eoin Collins
  1. Hon. President, Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland


Aim of special session The aim of the session is to show how resources provided through the REACH and CLP Regulations and the revised EN689 standard can be used as tools for assessing and controlling exposure to hazardous substances. The session also aims to share knowledge on the use of biological monitoring for exposure assessment and on how to develop a successful partnership between the fields of industrial hygiene and occupational health. Attendees will hear from experts who have developed standards, guidance and working practices in each of these areas.

1Raymond Y Vincent, 2Bridget Ginnity, 3Kate Jones, 4Michel Vangeel

1Convenor of the CEN/TC 137 WG1 (Blénod les Pont à Mousson, France)

2Ginnity Associates, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland

3Health and Safety Executive, Buxton, UK

4Johnson and Johnson, Antwerp, Belgium

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