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167 The dynamics of the appearance of significant monographs and manuals on occupational health in russia
  1. E Shigan,
  2. V Lysukhin
  1. FSBSI Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, Moscow, Russian Federation


The history of the appearance of monographs, teaching aids and manuals on OH in Russia has a little less than two and a half centuries. The first work was the book by A.Bakherakht ‘The way to preserve the health of marine workers’ (1780). The author dwells in detail on the prevention and treatment seamen`s diseases. A more significant event was the appearance of the book ‘Diseases of workers, indicating protective measures’ by A.Nikitin (1847), in which he talks in detail about the detrimental effects on health of production factors in more than 120 professions.

Undoubtedly weighty contribution was made by the teaching manuals of F.Erisman ‘Professional Hygiene or Hygiene of Mental and Physical Labour’ (1877) and V.Svyatlovskiy ‘Factory Hygiene’ (1891). In them, academic pedagogues dwell on the issues of research and analysis not only of OD, but also the hygienic aspects of the different professions working conditions. An important role was also played by the appearance of the monograph E.Dementyev ‘The Factory, What It Gives to the Population and What It Borrowed’ (1893), as well as the numerous scientific works of A.Pogozhev and E.Osipov.

Further it is necessary to note the textbook by D.Nikolsky ‘The course of professional hygiene’ (1907), S.Kaplun’s monograph ‘Labour and health’ (1922), G.Khlopin ‘Labour regime and occupational hazards’ (1926), N.Vigdorchik’s textbook ‘Professional pathology. Course of Occupational Diseases’ (1930), as well as two manuals published in 1936 – ‘Labour Hygiene’ edited by V.Levitsky and ‘Occupational Diseases’ edited by G.Arnautov, I.Gelman and B.Kogan.

In the second half of the 20th century, the scientific and educational works of N.Lazarev, N.Pravdin, I.Razenkov, E.Andreeva-Galanina, L.Khotsyanov, Z.Smelyanskiy, A.Letavet, A.Guskova, I.Sanotsky, B.Velichkovsky, V.Artamonova, and of course N.Izmerov.

It was under the editorship of N.Izmerov, for the first time in Russia, the ‘Russian Encyclopaedia of Occupational Medicine’ (2005) and ‘Professional Pathology. National leadership ‘(2011).

  • occupational health history

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