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Introduction Inail has for a long time been active in the recovery, valorization and sharing of the heritage of knowledge relating to health and safety at work, both at a national and international level. Among the activities of the triennial research plan, it is also included the creation of a repository of the ICOH Congress proceedings, starting from its foundation to the present time, with the aim of presenting the available documentation in an organised and interrelated system.
Methods The series of ICOH international congresses begins in Milan in 1906, in connexion with the foundation of ICOH. To date, 31 international congress have been held. On the occasion of the centenary Congress in 2006, a first catalogue and digitalization of the proceedings was created, with an index by author, title keywords, etc., by the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan, under the direction of P.A. Bertazzi. The aim of the project is to complete the digital version of the single proceedings for the realisation of a web edition of the complete corpus of the ICOH Congresses, along with the development of organised metadata useful for semantic research.
Result The result will be the realisation of a critical review in order to level out all the previous experiences of digitalization of the proceedings of the ICOH Congresses, including the various forms of indexing now existing, along with the creation of a thesaurus of keywords for occupational medicine, in digital format and with links to the entries.
Research output will include the creation of a structured Repository containing a series of shared metadata in open access and with tools for semantic research.
Discussion The Repository will be released at the ICOH 2018 Congress and will constitute an important research tool not only for the history of prevention and health and safety at workplaces, but also for the current research activities in OHS.