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1546 Scientific evidence of occupational exposure to organic solvents and its relationship with hearing loss
  1. Juan Ignacio Rincón Sarmiento
  1. Independent Practitioner


A systematic review was carried out about the auditory effect of occupational exposure to solvents. For such purpose, four data bases, chosen on the bases of their methodological quality and level of specialisation in this domain, were comprehensively explored. The criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles were carefully selected, and they were analysed and evaluated according to the way in which they gave an answer to each of the questions posited.

This information was consolidated in a table in which each article was assessed according to the way it responded to each question. In this way, it was possible to draw conclusions and propose specific recommendations about every aspect related to the phenomenon studied.

As a conclusion, it is stated that occupational exposure to organic solvents, particularly the aromatic ones, has harmful effects in the auditory apparatus. Additionally, it was found such exposure enhances the auditory effect generated by noise in a synergic manner. This was particularly evident in the case of workers exposed to noise for more than 3 years, being particularly harmful high auditory frequencies (4 KHz a 8 KHz). Among the solvents which relate to such effect more strongly, it is possible to mention: Toluene, Styrene and Xylene (in this order).

  • solvent
  • hearing loss
  • noise
  • occupational exposure

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