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1478 Musculoskeletal disorders (msd) amongst farmers in the kourifate municipality, province of fquih ben salah
  1. M Omar,
  2. I El Amri Benali,
  3. M Zouhair,
  4. A El Kholti
  1. Casablanca Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Morocco


Introduction MSD are one of the most worrying problems in occupational medicine, it affects workers in all business sectors. They group together a set of periarticular diseases, affecting the soft tissues of upper limbs, lower limbs and the back.

In Morocco, the agricultural sector plays an important role in economical, cultural and political life, it is an important source of employment. However, MSD represent a big problem in agriculture, most of the time, workers in this sector are exposed to uncomfortable positions, repetitive movements and carry heavy loads.

Methods This is a descriptive study of 52 cases of MSD among farmers who visits the Kourifate Health Centre. The study consists of interviewing each patient and completing a questionnaire.

Results This study allowed us to highlight the magnitude of the complaints concerning MSD problems amongst farmers and showed us the severity of the problem. Complaints about relatively severe MSD (in frequency, duration and severity) are more seen in lower back (77%) shoulder joint (38.4%), cervical spine (32.6%) and finally in elbow and wrist joints (25%).

Discussion Our study shows that there is a significant backlog in occupational health and safety in the agricultural sector, which mainly is an informal sector, and therefore there is a great need for assessment and prevention of occupational risks. Although our study is rich in information, we can’t extrapolate our results to the whole sector given the size of our sample.

Conclusion Many farmers are aware of the need for medical follow-up and suffer from chronic pain requiring multidisciplinary care, but the lack of resources and the laxity in the enforcement of safety and health legislation are prolonging their suffering.

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • farmers
  • Morocco

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