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1317 Development of occupational health services practices standards in accrediting primary care units in thailand
  1. O Untimanon,
  2. K Boonmeephong,
  3. A Promrat,
  4. T Saipang,
  5. K Sukanun
  1. Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand


Introduction A total of 9770 primary care units (PCUs) in Thailand have provided many health care services, such as the improvement of nutrition of young children, immunisation, investigations of communicable diseases and non- communicable diseases. Integration of occupational health services (OHS) in the PCUs is very important because high risk workers who work in the communities can access such services easily. Implementation strategy can start with quality control program that integrating with holistic healthcare delivered by PCUs therefore the OHS practices standards were developed to be a guideline for PCUs to carry out OHS interventions.

Methods The OHS practices standards were developed using Delphi technique. Thirty Delphi panellists from related agencies were asked to answer the 3 rounds of questionnaire. Consensuses were formed and the actual outcomes could be presented among the panellists’ response. Such standards were summarised and figured. The criteria were developed following the items of such standards. Draft standards and criteria were used to evaluate the pilot PCUs and they were revised to be more clearly following the suggestion to suit the real situation.

Results Such standards were divided into four components including:

  • organisational set up, human resources, plans, evaluation and occupational health network collaboration,

  • OHS for health worker of PCUs,

  • pro–active occupational health services for community workers,

  • in–house occupational health services and

  • integration of environmental health services.

Assessment criteria were classified into 4 levels including starting level, good level, very good level and excellent level PCUs depending on the ability of PCUs practices.

Conclusion PCUs’ staff could provide the OHS following such standard which address not only health services for community workers, but also for health workers (PCUs staff) and vulnerable populations who affect from environmental pollutions in the community (if have).

  • Delphi technique
  • PCUs
  • OHS

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