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611 Epidemiological analysis correlated with socioeconomic and production aspects of a factory in southern brazil
  1. Paulo Zetola,
  2. Marcelo Bianchi da Silva,
  3. Livia Schwab,
  4. Edevar Daniel,
  5. Aubrey Lopes
  1. Universidade Federal Do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil


Introduction Absenteeism generates several consequences in the manufacturing process. Its reduction is a challenge for any manager. An important step for its understanding, and subsequent reduction and control, is to carry out the analysis of the medical certificates handed by the missing employees. Based on this premise, this paper aims to present the epidemiological profile of 2016 of a company in the automotive sector of the South region of Brazil, as well as the programs and actions taken from these data.

Method An organisational, cross – sectional study developed through data and indicators obtained through the analysis of medical certificates submitted by employees who were absent from work by health reasons in 2016.

Results A total of 4371 medical certificates were observed, impacting 13409 days of work lost, in a population that varied around 5380 employees. On a monthly measure, 363.9 certificates were obtained, delivered by 238.2 employees, which impacted 1117.9 days lost and 7445.33 hours lost. With these scores, it was possible to define the Frequency Index by Operators (IF2) of 4.42, the Medical Certificate Frequency Index (IF1) of 6.75 and the Severity Index (GI) of 0.8. Further on the most frequent causes, firstly find the diseases comprised by ICD-10 M, followed by Z, J, S-T and K. When the criterions are the lost days, remains the ICD-10 M followed by Z, S-T and F.

Discussion The results are similar to the data found in the literature and allow a good correlation with the socioeconomic aspects of the country. The production data are consistent with the variation in the pace of work and entry of new projects. Health promotion in a comprehensive way contributes to the biopsychosocial well-being of employees, as well as their satisfaction and working commitment.

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