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1758 6th european working conditions survey: job quality in europe
  1. Agnès Parent-Thirion,
  2. Isabella Biletta,
  3. Jorge Cabrita,
  4. Oscar Vargas,
  5. Greet Vermeylen,
  6. Alksandra Wiczynska,
  7. Mathijn Wilkens
  1. Eurofound, Dublin, Ireland


Introduction The Union and Member states shall have as their objectives improved living and working conditions (article 151 of the TFEU). More and better job is an important policy objective for the European Union.

Methods Statistical analysis of the 6th European Working Conditions Survey. In 2015, the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey interviewed almost 44 000 workers in 35 European Countries.

Result Seven job quality indices are produced which at the level of the job, gathers these characteristics of work and employment that have been associated in positive or negative with health and wellbeing of workers. The job quality indices are: physical environment, social environment, work intensity, working time quality, skills and discretion, prospects and earnings. They are presented and discussed. Each index is associated with a positive experience of working life in health and well being, work life balance, engagement and motivation, financial security. The job quality indices are pooled together to create cluster of jobs in Europe on the basis of the job quality: high flyers, smooth running, active manual, under pressure, poor quality. They are presented and discussed.

Discussion Results support the importance of monitoring job quality in Europe and in the world. How can they be improved?

  • Occupational Health
  • work
  • Europe
  • Job quality

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