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1287 The integration of occupational health and safety into education – enetosh’s wealth of experience
  1. U Bollmann1,
  2. R Gründler2,
  3. M Holder3
  1. 1Institute for Work and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Dresden, Germany
  2. 2WissensImpuls, Dresden, Germany
  3. 3British Safety Council (BSC), London, Great Britain


Introduction The results of an empirical study which analysed good-practice examples of integrating occupational health and safety into education are presented. The good practice was collected by the European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health (ENETOSH) over the last ten years and published on The study was done in response to a request made by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in order to make empirical statements on trends and promising models for integrating health and safety into education.

Methods From 756 projects a representative sample of examples was chosen for each level of education (kindergarten/school, initial vocational education and training, higher education and continuing vocational education and training). A category-system was developed which is based on the success principles of the settings-based approach as specified by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 83 examples were categorised and analysed. The study consists of a qualitative analysis as well as a statistical analysis. Within the qualitative part of the study interviews with project owners and leading experts in the field are carried out to gain experience of how to put the categories into practice.

Result The study provides a comprehensive evidence-base of practices of good models concerning mainstreaming occupational health and safety at all levels of education. The study facilitates better access to practices of good models for practitioners and policy makers and gives insight into the requirements of how to realise them. A report will be published end of the year 2017.

Discussion The study has identified gaps concerning the performance of empowerment and participation in the area of vocational education and training. There is a need for innovative learning environments especially for young workers and professionals to improve their health-competence.

  • Education and Training
  • Mainstreaming
  • Health Competence

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