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Letter concerning: ‘Response to: ‘The epidemiology of malignant mesothelioma in women: gender differences and modalities of asbestos exposure’ by Marinaccio et al
  1. Alessandro Marinaccio1,
  2. Marisa Corfiati1,
  3. Alessandra Binazzi1,
  4. Davide Di Marzio1,
  5. Alberto Scarselli1,
  6. Pierpaolo Ferrante1,
  7. Michela Bonafede1,
  8. Marina Verardo2,
  9. Dario Mirabelli3,
  10. Valerio Gennaro4,
  11. Carolina Mensi5,
  12. Gert Schallemberg6,
  13. Guido Mazzoleni7,
  14. Enzo Merler8,
  15. Paolo Girardi8,
  16. Corrado Negro9,
  17. Flavia D’Agostin9,
  18. Antonio Romanelli10,
  19. Elisabetta Chellini11,
  20. Stefano Silvestri12,
  21. Cristiana Pascucci13,
  22. Roberto Calisti13,
  23. Fabrizio Stracci14,
  24. Elisa Romeo15,
  25. Valeria Ascoli16,
  26. Luana Trafficante17,
  27. Francesco Carrozza18,
  28. Italo Angelillo19,
  29. Domenica Cavone20,
  30. Gabriella Cauzillo21,
  31. Federico Tallarigo22,
  32. Rosario Tumino23,
  33. Massimo Melis24,
  34. Sergio Iavicoli1
  35. ReNaM Working Group
  1. 1 Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology and Hygiene Department, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL), Rome, Italy
  2. 2 Valle d’Aosta Health Local Unit, Regional Operating Center of Valle d’Aosta (COR Valle d’Aosta), Aosta, Italy
  3. 3 COR Piedmont, Unit of Cancer Prevention, University of Turin and CPO-Piemonte, Torino, Italy
  4. 4 COR Liguria, UO Epidemiology, IRCCS Az Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino, National Cancer Research Institute (IST), Genova, Italy
  5. 5 COR Lombardy, Department of Preventive Medicine, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico and University of Milan, Milano, Italy
  6. 6 Provincial Unit of Health, Hygiene and Occupational Medicine, COR Province of Trento, Trento, Italy
  7. 7 Alto Adige Health Local Unit, COR Province of Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
  8. 8 Occupational Health Unit, Department of Prevention, COR Veneto, Padua, Italy
  9. 9 Clinical Unit of Occupational Medicine, COR Friuli-Venezia Giulia, University of Trieste -Trieste General Hospitals, Trieste, Italy
  10. 10 Health Local Unit, Public Health Department, COR Emilia-Romagna, Reggio Emilia, Italy
  11. 11 Unit of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, COR Tuscany, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute, Firenze, Italy
  12. 12 Cancer Prevention and Research Institute, Firenze, Italy
  13. 13 School of Medicinal and Health Products, Center for Hygiene and Public Health Research, COR Marche, University of Camerino, Bolzano, Italy
  14. 14 Section of Public Health, Department of Experimental Medicine, COR Umbria, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
  15. 15 Department of Epidemiology, COR Lazio, Lazio Region, Rome, Italy
  16. 16 Department of Radiological, Oncological and Anatomopathological Sciences, COR Lazio, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
  17. 17 Health Local Unit, Occupational Medicine Unit, COR Abruzzo, Pescara, Italy
  18. 18 Oncology Unit, COR Molise, Cardarelli Hospital, Campobasso, Italy
  19. 19 Department of Experimental Medicine, COR Campania, Second University of Naples, Napoli, Italy
  20. 20 Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine, Section of Occupational Medicine ‘B Ramazzini’, COR Puglia, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
  21. 21 Epidemiologic Regional Center, COR Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
  22. 22 Public Health Unit, COR Calabria, Crotone, Italy
  23. 23 Cancer Registry ASP Ragusa and Sicily Regional Epidemiological Observatory, COR Sicily, Syracuse, Italy
  24. 24 Regional Epidemiological Center, COR Sardegna, Cagliari, Italy
  1. Correspondence to Dr Alessandro Marinaccio; a.marinaccio{at}

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Finkelstein1 invited physicians and researchers interested in mesothelioma to investigate on past usage of talcum powders by affected people. In Italy, asbestos contamination in talc for industrial use has been documented,2 and, as he underlines tremolite contamination at low levels of cosmetic and pharmaceutical talc has been reported in USA by Blount3 and Gordon and colleagues.4

In the Italian National Mesothelioma Register (ReNaM), the analysis of intensive exposure to talc has been evaluated …

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  • Contributors AM drafted the letter. All authors revised the text and approved the final manuscript.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Patient consent Not required.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.

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