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0269 Occupational risks and health problems of anaesthesia technicians and doctors in operating room, a university hospital study
  1. Elif Aylin Yuce1,
  2. Meral Turk1,
  3. Hediye Asli Davas1,
  4. Aslihan Esra Yuksel2
  1. 1EGE University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health, Izmir, Turkey
  2. 2EGE University Faculty of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Izmir, Turkey


Health effects caused by occupational risks are commonly ignored. We aimed to find out relation between working conditions and health problems. Cross-sectional study targeted anesthesiologists (114) working in Ege University Faculty of Medicine Hospital between 2016 October –2017 January. 81,5%(93) of anesthesiologists accepted to join this study.For data collection we use questionnaire (89 question) and periodical examination for 2016. Participants were divided into 41 anaesthesia technicians, 52 doctors according to their profession. The average age of the study group is 34. Anesthesiologists(63 person) have an average of 4 night shifts per month. Only 28% of employees use their annual leave regularly. 69.9% of the employees have used leave for 5 days or less annually. 61% of the employees are free overtime. The average time spent in daily operations is 7.9±2 hours.There were 16 ‘abortion x persons’ in the study group. There are 4 people who have infertility treatment. In the study group, there were 76.3% (71) presence of any disease, 66.7% (62) of work related disease, 45.2% (42) of work related psychiatric problem, 25.8% (24) of work related musculoskeletal problem expressed. Immature granulocyte levels were high in 29 (35.8%) workers. There are 81 people who have periodic hemogram examinations;%38,3 of them was anaemic. Haemoglobin values determined lower in women, in less than two hours a day sitting workers, those had high levels of exposure to chemical and psychosocial risks(p<0,05).Anesthesiologists face risks often. Annual periodic examinations are very important in terms of protection and improvement of employee health.

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