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0188 Trajectories of well-being: time-varying effects of psychosocial determinants of health at work
  1. Neto Mariana1,2,
  2. Chambel Maria José3,
  3. Manuel Sérgio4,
  4. Miguel José Pereira2,
  5. Reis Maria de Fátima2
  1. 1Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa, Portugal
  2. 2ISAMB – Instituto de Saúde Ambiental. Faculdade de Merdicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
  3. 3Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
  4. 4EDP – Eletricidade de Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal


Objective To analyse a simplified model of psychosocial work environment in order to estimate how changes over time in factors related to psychological working conditions, work-life interface and personal characteristics influence workers well-being trajectory.

Methods The simplified model, which includes working conditions (Job Demands, Job Control, Supervisor Support and Co-workers Support), Work-Family Conflict (Conflict based on Strain and Conflict based on Time) and Sense of Coherence, was examined in a three time points longitudinal survey including 1691 workers using latent growth curves models (LGCM) with time-varying effects through a structural equations modelling approach.

Results Group level individual trajectories of Time-Varying Covariates (TVC) showed that Job Demands and Time-based Conflict decreased, Co-Workers Support increased and Supervisor Support remained stable. Only Time-based Conflict and Supervisor Support showed individual workers variation across change. Job Control and Sense of Coherence individual trajectories had no acceptable fit to the data. Well-being trajectory showed a significantly increase over time and this growth was conditioned significantly by Job Demands, Time-based Conflict and Sense of Coherence in the three moments, by Job Control and Supervisor Support in two moments, but not by Co-Workers Support time-specific effects.

Conclusions Working environment factors have differentiated intervention regardless of their isolated trajectories in a dynamic compatible with a systemic mechanism of homeostatic and adaptive type, with the ability to activate resources necessary to maintain the highest possible Well-Being level.

Knowledge of this adaptive dynamics is a critical issue to the adoption of company’s policies favourable to employees Well-Being and individual resources improvement.

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