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O19-6 An interdisciplinary approach to evaluate complex prevention interventions
  1. Dominique Chouanière1,
  2. Stéphanie Boini1,
  3. Christian Trontin1,
  4. Agnès Aublet-Cuvelier1,
  5. Aude Cuny1,
  6. Mr Philippe Douillet2,
  7. Eric Drais1,
  8. Edwige Quillerou-Grivot1,
  9. Anne-Marie Gallet2,
  10. Valérie Langevin1,
  11. Charles Parmentier2
  1. 1Inrs, Vandoeuvre, France
  2. 2Anact, Lyon, France


This project dealt with evaluation of complex occupational interventions on Psychosocial Risks (PSR) and Musculo Skeletal Disorders (MSD) targeting primary prevention and organisation. The project aimed to perform a relevant theoretical framework and to design recommendations, methods and tools for field practices.

A multidisciplinary working group performed literature review on PSR/TMS evaluation and existing multidisciplinary models of evaluation. Moreover it carried out comparison of the evaluation theoretical models available in human and biological sciences „(psychology, sociology, ergonomics, economics, epidemiology, management and education sciences). In parallel, 50 prevention practitioners were requested to report evaluation practices, needs and expectations. Based on theoretical compilation and practitioners’ recommendations, a new evaluation approach was designed.

Evaluation was considered from the point of view of each academic discipline according to ontology, epistemology, causation, method, tools, etc. Convergence and divergence between the disciplines were identified. Realistic evaluation was retained as integrative model of existing intervention models. The proposed method defined 4 different domains of evaluation, among those one on all potential effects of organisational interventions (listed in 6 headings and 39 sub headings) and another one on assessment of causality between intervention and effects. This evaluation approach was tested in 2015, by 27 out of the 50 practitioners in 32 interventions intended mainly to prevent PSR and/or MSD but also to reduce physical load or to promote quality of work life, etc. An 800-item form was filled out by testers in order to evaluate the method in substance and in form. Mixed analyses of this questionnaire allowed sharpening the evaluation approach.

Edition in 2016 of a manuscript on theoretical aspects and a brochure for practitioners should contribute to promote extended and adequate evaluation, in order to improve field practices of PSR/TMS prevention interventions. This evaluation methodology could concern all complex interventions which intend to improve work organisation.

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