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P325 The evolution of the incidence of sick leave episodes according to their duration
  1. Monica Ballesteros,
  2. Maite Sampere,
  3. Juan Carlos López,
  4. Rosa Sacristán,
  5. Rafael Manzanera,
  6. Manel Plana,
  7. Ana Ruiz,
  8. Elisabeth Santos,
  9. Sara Alguacil,
  10. Sílvia García,
  11. Bibiana López,
  12. José Miguel Martínez
  1. MC Mutual, Barcelona, Spain


Background One way used to measure the absenteeism is the analysis of incidence of non-work related sickness absence (NWSA). Study of incidence by segments duration and its evolution allow identifying typology of incidence of NWSA, being useful in the sickness absence management.

Objective Describe evolution of incidence of NWSA by segments duration between 2009 and 2015 in Spain.

Methods We computed the overall incidence of NWSA and by segments duration. The data used for this study comes from a health insurance company in Spain from 2009 to 2015. The analysis was stratified by age (18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–54 and 55–64 years) and sex. Segments were defined by periods (days) short (≤15), medium (16–30, 31–90) and long (>90) term. The Annual Percentage Change (APC) was calculated using the Poisson Model with an inflection point in 2013.

Results The overall evolution of incidence of NWSA showed a decreasing trend in 2009–2013 (APC −8%, 95% CI: −12%; − 5%), and an increasing in 2013–2015 (APC 5%, 95% CI: −3%; 13%). The drop of the APC had similar incidence of NWSA in all duration segments being the short processes the ones with a major contribution. Incidence of NWSA (overall and segments) presented an APC more pronounced in workers under 25 years. In 2009 the incidence of short processes in younger workers were 2.4 times higher than in older, while from 2013 to 2015, this difference was reduced to 1.5. In both sexes, the evolution of INWSA was similar, with higher values in women.

Conclusions Changes in the evolution of incidence of NWSA occurred in all segments of duration, being the short duration segments those with more influence. The declension was more noticeable in younger workers. The ascension showed that the differences by age decreased as a result of the short duration processes.

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