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P139 Strategies and organisational measures for a sustainable working life to an older age
  1. Kerstin Nilsson1
  1. 1Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  2. 2Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden


Introduction Productivity intensities increase until people reach 50–55 years, and after that the subsequent decline very slight. However, the risk of work environmental injuries and disease increasing with general ageing, because ageing effects our senses and bodies. The working population is ageing and the demographic shift challenges and to make an extended working life possible and sustainable to an older age are of special interest for societies. To help people stay healthy and active in old age requires development of sustainable measures and strategies at the organisation and enterprise level.

Objectives The aim of this study was to develop sustainable measures for an extended working life, together with organisations and enterprises.

Method The research design was qualitative and the data was collected with focus group interviews. The study population worked at greater constructing companies and packaging companies, municipal elderly care and, SME (small and medium sized enterprises). The 56 participants were; employees 55–72 years; managers; trade union employees; occupational medicine personnel; and human resource personnel.

Result Despite that the study population includes different organisations and enterprises employees from different levels and with different assessments at the work places, the same overviewing problems and possible were described. The suggested measures developed for organisation and enterprise in direction to a more sustainable working life to an older age were comprehensive in the areas:

• Systematic Work Environment Control (SAM)

• Measures for safety in the work situation

• Measures for good physical and mental health at work

• Measures for motivation and skills development

Conclusions This study developed measures to a sustainable extended working life. To include respondents from different levels in the organisation was important to allow the measures to suite different assessments on different levels. This makes the measures as sustainable as possible both to older workers and to organisations/enterprises.

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