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Objective This study aims to demonstrate the interaction between diabetes and work, but also to identify any difficulties that a diabetic patient can meet at his place of work, which could hinder the daily management of the disease.
Methodology This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study that was conducted in the month of April 2013 until septembre2012. The support for the survey is a pre anonymous self-administered questionnaire, among diabetic patients in employment in various institutions under agreement with the Department of Occupational Medicine of the University Hospital of Sidi Bel-Abbes during their periodic visits.
The final sample consisted of 83 diabetics with 61.4% men and 38.6% women, the average age of employees is 50 years, 62.6% of our patients are non-insulin-treated, 77.1% are type 2 diabetes, 68.7% for patients work schedules are compatible with meals and taken the treatment, and 65.1% find it difficult to follow the diet to work, 53% reported hypoglycemia at work with variable severity.
The type of diabetes is strongly linked to hypoglycemia occurred in the workplace and change of occupation (p = 0.022, p = 0.008)
Two factors related to the disease: duration of illness affects the occurrence of hypoglycemia (p = 0.014) and has a link with the achievement of capillary blood glucose and Modified Work.
Conclusion We have seen with the study, some socio-professional factors (sex, physical load) and factors related to the disease(type and duration of illness) can occur in diabetes management.