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O06-4 Night shift work and stomach cancer risk in the MCC-spain study
  1. Michelle C Turner1,2,3,4,
  2. Georgina Gyarmati1,
  3. Gemma Castaño-Vinyals1,2,3,5,
  4. Ana Espinosa1,2,3,5,
  5. Kyriaki Papantoniou1,2,3,5,6,
  6. Juan Alguacil3,7,
  7. Laura Costas8,9,
  8. Beatriz Pérez-Gómez3,10,11,
  9. Vicente Martin Sanchez3,12,
  10. Eva Ardanaz3,13,14,
  11. Victor Moreno3,15,16,
  12. Inés Gómez-Acebo3,17,
  13. Guillermo Fernández-Tardon3,18,
  14. Vicent Villanueva Ballester19,
  15. Rocio Capelo7,
  16. Maria-Dolores Chirlaque3,20,
  17. Miguel Miguel17,
  18. Marina Pollán3,10,11,
  19. Nuria Aragonés3,10,11,
  20. Manolis Kogevinas1,2,3,5
  1. 1ISGlobal, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain
  2. 2Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain
  3. 3CIBER Epidemiología Y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain
  4. 4McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
  5. 5IMIM (Hospital Del Mar Medical Research Institute), Barcelona, Spain
  6. 6Department of Epidemiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  7. 7Centro de Investigación en Salud Y Medio Ambiente (CYSMA), Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, Spain
  8. 8Unit of Infections and Cancer, Cancer Epidemiology Research Programme, IDIBELL, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain
  9. 9Department of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  10. 10Environmental and Cancer Epidemiology Area, National Centre of Epidemiology, Carlos III Health Institute, Madrid, Spain
  11. 11Cancer Epidemiology Research Group, Oncology and Haematology Area, IIS Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Spain
  12. 12Universidad de León, León, Spain
  13. 13Navarra Public Health Institute, Pamplona, Spain
  14. 14IdiSNA, Navarra Institute for Health Research, Pamplona, Spain
  15. 15Unit of Biomarkers and Susceptibility, Cancer Prevention and Control Program, IDIBELL, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain
  16. 16Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain
  17. 17University of Cantabria – IDIVAL, Santander, Spain
  18. 18IUOPA, Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
  19. 19Fundación Para El Fomento de La Investigación Sanitaria Y Biomédica de La Comunidad Valenciana (FISABIO), Valencia, Spain
  20. 20Department of Epidemiology, Murcia Health Council, IMIB-Arrixaca, Murcia University, Murcia, Spain


Objectives Night shift work has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer based on experimental studies and limited evidence on human breast cancer risk. Evidence at other cancer sites is scarce. We evaluated the association between night shift work and stomach cancer risk in a population-based case-control study.

Methods A total of 374 incident stomach adenocarcinoma cases and 2,481 population controls were included from the MCC-Spain study. Detailed data on lifetime night shift work was collected including permanent and rotating shifts and their cumulative duration (years). Adjusted unconditional logistic regression models were used in analysis.

Results A total of 25.7% of cases and 22.5% of controls reported ever being a night shift worker. There was a weak positive, non-significant association between ever having had worked for at least one year in permanent night shifts and stomach cancer risk compared to never having worked night shifts (odds ratio (OR) = 1.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.9–1.8). However, there was an inverse “U” shaped relationship with cumulative duration of permanent night shifts, with the highest risk observed in the intermediate duration category (OR 10–20 years = 2.0, 95% CI: 1.1–3.6) (P for trend = 0.19). There was no association with ever having had worked in rotating night shifts (OR = 0.9, 95% CI: 0.6–1.2) and no trend according to cumulative duration (P for trend = 0.68).

Conclusions We found no clear evidence concerning an association between night shift work and stomach cancer risk.

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