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GJ Churchyard, R Ehrlich, J M teWaterNaude, et al. Silicosis prevalence and exposure-response relations in South African goldminers. Occup Environ Med 2004;61:811–6.

Figure 1 in this paper overstated the silicosis prevalence in the last three strata of the bar graph owing to errors in the denominators used. Table 1 below contains the correct prevalences which replace those derivable from the published Figure 1. The interpretation of study findings remains unchanged.

Table 1

Prevalence of silicosis by length of service

Correspondingly, the text on page 3 of the original publication needs to be amended as follows: “Silicosis prevalence increased significantly with increasing length of service, from 1.69% (1/59) among miners with 15 years of service or less to 32.2% (10/31) among workers with over 30 years of service (p<0.001).”

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