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Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the dimensions of the JCQ among healthcare workers
Method A validation study with 3055 health workers was conducted. Factor analysis was employed through the principal components method. For extraction of factors, parallel analysis was performed using the Monte-Carlo simulation. For the technique of factor analysis, the verification of the sampling adequacy of the studies was performed by measuring the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO). The PROMAX oblique rotation was applied for a better understanding of the values, assuming mutual correlation between the factors.
Results There was adequacy of the data for factor analysis according to the criteria of the KMO test (0.93). Four dimensions, which together explained 100% of the total variance, were extracted. The first dimension was composed of physical and emotional demands by means of the social support from coworkers. The second dimension represented items of control over work; the third dimension consisted of items of social support of the headship; the fourth dimension presented items regarding the use of skills.
Conclusions The number and dimensions of the frame captured by an instrument depend on the set of subjective symptoms to be investigated. In spite of the technical/methodological advances of analysis, there are still limitations in the use of instruments to measure subjective constructs in the occupational sphere.