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0153 Social Security in Brazil: the impact of epidemiological nexus on the benefits related to occupational diseases
  1. Celso Salim
  1. Fundacentro, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil


Objectives The Ministry of Social Security, in order to face the under-reporting of occupational accidents and diseases, has introduced new methods of identifying them. In addition to the Employment Accident Notification (CAT), the Technical Epidemiological Social Welfare Nexus (NTEP) was established in 2007. This work intends to analyse the role of the NTEP in improving information regarding to the work-related diseases and, more specifically, on the trend and variation of benefits paid for them.

Method Through the NTEP it is possible to establish a nexus for each area of the economic activity, focusing on data of incapacitating diseases recognised by social welfare and involving more than 15 days’ absence from work, using the ICD-10.

Results Benefits for work-related diseases increased 128.2% during 2005–2008. However, the greatest changes occurred after 2007. From May 2006 to March 2007, when only the employer’s CAT was used, 125 246 Accident and Disease Assistance authorizations were issued. But, with the addition of the NTEP to the CAT this number rose to 293 912, an increase of 134.7% over the period from April 2007 to February 2008. The detachable figures are for “musculoskeletal system and connective tissue” (107 764 cases), “mental and behavioural disorders” (8930 cases), “and “diseases of the nervous system” (8396 cases).

Conclusions The accident benefits for work-related diseases are growing more than other welfare benefits. This reality requires more studies and technical insights as well as priorities in terms of specific strategies for OSH policy.

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