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0109 Study on diseases of the skin in an industrial population of a petrochemical site in Sicily
  1. Mario Bambara1,
  2. Massimiliano Magnano2,
  3. Giampiero Castelli3,
  4. Giuseppe Sole1
  1. 1Raffinerie ISAB -Lukoil, Priolo Gargallo, Siracusa-Sicily, Italy
  2. 2Istituto Archimede, Siracuse, Sicily, Italy
  3. 3ASP Siracuse-Dermatology Department, Siracuse, Sicily, Italy


Objectives The study ‘Skin Project’ took place over three years (2010–2012) in a petrochemical site in Sicily, in order to identify skin diseases and the risk of pre-cancerous changes. The idea for the study came from an evaluation of mortality data for skin diseases published by the province of Siracusa in the journal ‘ATLAS RERURUM cognoscere causas’ 2003–2005.

Method The health service of the petrochemical company had addressed first the interest towards its employees, directing them to the screening of skin disorders and in particular towards precancerous and non precancerous forms. The first pilot to assess the eventual success of the project was launched in 2010; the public was invited to undergo a skin examination and videodermatoscopy and epiluminescence mapping, simply by calling a dedicated health service number. The first cases also showed the need to reach an agreement with the city hospital for the surgical removal of malignant growths.

The visit was carried out by a medical doctor specialising in dermatology, in this case the primary dermatologist of ASP Syracuse and heightened by the use of dermoscopy and epiluminescence. The use of non-invasive technology allowed the study to show the morphological structural of the pigmented lesions.

Results From October 2011 to October 2013, 788 dermatological and videodermatoscopy with epiluminescence have been carried out, identifying and permitting the surgical removal of 10 melanomas surface, 6 basal cell epithelioma and the identification of more than 40 individuals with dysplastic moles.

Conclusions During the medical examination carried out by the qualified doctor or dermatologist, the patient is asked to undergo a primary prevention and skin self-examination. The study showed a significant effect on the onset of skin diseases compared to the national population and correlated with sun exposure from a young age or from the high temperatures recorded in recent years in Sicily between 2006 and 2012. We report the cases of 3 person a 48 year old male that in two sessions a year apart has seen a trasformation of his nevus after the removal of melanoma surface. of a subject of 40 years old whom removed a melanoma in the region above the right eyebrow and a third case of a man 52 years old removed a melanoma of the left ear.

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