Article Text
Poster presentation
0020 Comparative study about quality of life between women practicing dance and sedentary women
Objectives This study aimed to compare Quality of life (QOL) of women who practice Jazz compared to sedentary women, in the Sports Centre-414 SESI in Sao Paulo - SP
Method We carried out a cross-sectional study, with women between 50 and 85 years old, divided into two groups: Activity Group (GA, n = 14) and Sedentary Group (GS, n = 14). QOL was analysed by the SF-36.
Results The GA had a significant improve in 6 domains of SF-36 compared to GS (p < 0.05).
Conclusions The results of this study suggest an improvement in the QOL of practitioners of jazz, especially in the physical and emotional aspects, compared to sedentary women.