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0063 Incidence of knee pain and its work-related risk factors in a large working population
  1. Eléonore Herquelot1,2,
  2. Annette Leclerc1,2,
  3. Yves Roquelaure3,
  4. Julie Bodin3,
  5. Catherine Ha4,
  6. Diane Cyr1,2,
  7. Marcel Goldberg1,2,
  8. Marie Zins1,2,
  9. Alexis Descatha2,5
  1. 1Inserm, Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP), U1018, Population-Based Epidemiological Cohorts Research Platform, Villejuif, France
  2. 2University Versailles St-Quentin, Versailles, France
  3. 3LUNAM Université, Université d’Angers, Laboratoire D’ergonomie Et D’épidémiologie en Santé Au Travail (LEEST), Angers, France
  4. 4Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS), Département Santé Travail, Saint-Maurice, France
  5. 5AP-HP, Poincaré University Hospital, Occupational Health Unit, Garches, France


Objectives This study aims to estimate the incidence of knee pain and its risk factors in a general French working population, representative of the work force.

Method Of 3710 workers of a French region included in a study in 2002–2005 with a self-administered questionnaire, 2332 completed a follow-up questionnaire in 2007–2011. The questionnaires included musculoskeletal symptoms, individual and occupational exposures, and physical limitations (at follow-up only). Incident knee pain in 2007–2011 (i.e. subjects not suffering of knee pain at baseline and suffering of knee pain at follow-up) was dichotomized into sub-chronic knee pain (1–29 days) and chronic knee pain (>30 days). Associations between the incident knee pains and individual and work-related risk factors at baseline were studied separately by gender, using multinomial logistic regressions.

Results Of the 1616 respondents without knee pain at baseline, 122 (7.5%) reported chronic knee pain and 243 (15.0%) reported sub-chronic knee pain; 43% of workers with incident chronic knee pain and 30% of workers with incident sub-chronic knee pain had other chronic pains at baseline, and respectively 51% and 28% reported limitations in climbing stairs. After adjustment for age and BMI, significant associations were found between incident knee pain and handling loads >4 kg (Odds-Ratio (OR) 2.1 (1.2–3.6) among men, OR 2.3 (1.1–5.0) among women) and kneeling for more than 2 h per day among men (OR 1.8 (1.0–3.0)).

Conclusions This study, conducted in a large representative working population, highlights the relation between incident knee pain and occupational risk factors such as handling loads and kneeling.

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